I got loads done today! You must all know the feeling when you are down on the allotment and time just flies by. One minute you are doing one thing, then you see another that needs doing, something else that needs pruning, picking, feeding, watering... and so on and so forth. Before you know where you are it is afternoon!
The compost heap always has to be turned regularly. I had done some weeding and had cut down some broad beans, some raspberry canes and a load of chicweed. I have a plentiful supply of fresh, hot horse manure from Ealing riding stables on Gunnersbury Lane, so I just mix in all my green stuff including grass clippings and turn it all round with a fork and then heap it back up into my newly built compost bin. These are wooden pallets from a German motorcycle importer (BMW) and they are built like things used to be built in this country !! The compost heap is hot hot hot at the moment, I must make an effort to track down a compost thermometer. Has anyone used one? Are they worth buying?
Please don't ask me what I use the bucket for..