Strolling through Woolies today I couldn't resist this bargain. Growmore is a good, basic plant fertilizer with an
NPK ratio of 7:7:7 let me explain. N = Nitrogen , P = Phosphorus (pentoxide), K = Potassium. These are the 3 main nutrients needed for plant growth. You will see these ratios on most proprietary fertilizers. Growmore indicates that there is 7% Nitrogen, 7% Phosphorus and 7% Potassium. You may see higher values in fertilizers for different uses, for example a high potash fertilizer is used in products such as tomato food (tomorite) the NPK shown on the packet will be formulated to provide exactly what they need 4:4:8. Growmore was introduced during World War 2 as
'National Growmore' when everyone 'dug for victory'

Good news on the mushroom front!! Just one week after sowing the mushroom kit - there are signs of life! A white mould growing on the surface casing. Excitement abounds. Watch this space.