Always at a loss as to how to keep a blog interesting during the quiet season down on the allotment, I thought I would join in with Jayne at
Country Cottage Chic and post some pictures of Teddy Senior and Teddy Junior to join in with her Teddy blogs!

Here you can see Ted Senior hiding in the undergrowth behind my globe artichokes. Ted Senior was born in 1922 and he belonged to my late Father.

Here you can see my three best boys! Buddy didn't want to be left out of the fun so decided to investigate what was going on.

Teddy Junior is mine! He was born in 1963 and squeaks if you hit a round lump in his tummy! Here they are together investigating the last of my Leeks.

All this was too much like thirsty work for Ted Senior who decided to go for a drink of water, but fell in the can! He's not too steady on his feet these days!

Ted Junior investigates the shallots
'pikant' which have been planted in modules in the greenhouse. They have already started to root and shoot well, they will be planted out soon.

Teddy Senior checks the progress of my
purple podded peas.

Both the boys enjoyed a change of scenery today! Back to the shelf in the bedroom!