Matron's 2010 Dogblog!
Gosh! it's nearly September! where did the Summer go?
I've not grown plum tomatoes before, but these San Marzano tomatoes are a spectacular colour. Just right for making sauce, or for breakfast tomorrow morning..with sausages...fresh eggs...mmm
Such a lovely range of spectacular colours in tomatoes, especially the chocolate cherry tomato, but all of them just go together perfectly displayed in a fruit bowl indoors!
This was an Ildi tomato that was badly frosted back in Spring. The plant grew back with 5 or 6 main shoots, so I decided to see if it wanted to grow in a hanging basket. Not too bad at all.
These are an American variety Golden Jubilee. They are a very late maturing beefsteak variety, but spectacular to look at and very tasty.
Elsewhere on the plot these yellow straightneck squash (from the USA) are just right for picking to make a 'Yellow Squash Pie'.
These climbing courgettes Black Forest are really wonderful. Very prolific, climb easily up a wall or trellis so ideal for a small garden where space is at a premium.
Finally. It has been just over a year since my last Dogblog, so I am inviting readers to email me a photo of their canine garden helpers, supervisors, consultants or dogsbodies for inclusion in Matron's 2010 Dogblog! Please remember to include your name, your dog's name, and your blog address so that I can put in a link to the post. All entries to me by 29th September.