Yesterday I made a short visit to the RHS Garden at Wisley.

As the schools have now broken up for the Summer holidays there were some activities for the young at heart! How about this
sunflower maze?

These were only 4ft tall in all but people had picked smiley faces in the sunflowers!

Looks like fun! - last year in the same spot they had a
maize maze!

Of course, the main reason to visit is to go to the
Model Vegetable Garden to see what's growing there.

And to visit the fruit orchard to check on the ripeness of the plums. There was an amazing variety of colours, sizes and shapes. The gages have a more rounded shape and a much sweeter, honey like taste.

Small cherry plums or mirabelles are just loaded on the branches.

Red cherry plums were ripening nicely too!

Another entertainment at Wisley was a polytunnel filled with unusual shaped curcurbits, gourds, melons and cucumbers. I had never heard of a
Mouse Melon!!

When I thought my
trombocino squash was unusual I see it is in good company compared to some of these.

Hedgehog cucumber! a hit with the youngsters visiting!

Or how about a
wooly bear gourd? Nature in its infinite variety!