Planning Ahead
Such a dry Summer, this is the sum total of my purple potato harvest!
These are a French variety called 'Vitelotte' - I assume a crossbreed with Charlotte and something else?
So many blogs are featuring pictures of courgettes at the moment. Gluts of courgettes and no one knows what to do with them. My answer is to try to pick them small! Only trouble is that if you miss one for a couple of days then they grow and grow!
I managed to get some Winter and Spring seeds planted today. It is easy to forget to do this because the allotment is just bursting with fresh produce at the moment, but when it all starts to slow down in November and December it will be a long few months with nothing to show for it. Planning ahead is the thing to do at the moment. Here I have planted perpetual spinach, hardy Winter Lettuce and Swiss Chard Bright Lights.
As a result of a comment from Cath at Veg Heaven, I sliced up one of my overgrown courgettes and the chickens loved it!