I spent a good deal of my afternoon sweltering inside my greenhouse in order to get you some photos of my
Great Tits.

These parents are working so hard to bring back mouthfulls of food for their growing brood.

The babies are getting larger now and from time to time they poke their little heads out of the hole to see what the big wide world is all about.

The adults are almost oblivious to my presence, flying over my head from time to time to go in and out of the nest box. I seem to remember a while ago one of the Australian bloggers expressed a wish to see my tits... well here you are!

Elsewhere in the sunny garden today I noticed the heart of a globe artichoke appearing. On closer inspection of this photograph I notice the dreaded blackfly already staking their claim. Most years my artichokes are inedible because of blackfly. How can I stop them??

I got all my squash and pumpkins planted out today, the weather has been too hot to leave them in pots any more. The varieties growing this year are:
Rouge Vif D'Etamps
Bush Delicata
Yellow Straightneck
Bush Table Queen Acorn
Black Forest Climbing Courgette
Defender Courgette

Here is an early tomato, my first one set this year. These are a bush tomato - can't think of the name right now.. will get back to you.
Finally a plea to anyone who might be willing to do a bean swap with me?? My other passion besides growing veggies is dog training.. can anyone provide me with a few of a variety called something like DOG BEAN beans? I can offer you either some Vermont Cranberry beans (liberated from Mount Vernon, VA) or some Royalty (liberated from Heligan). Anyone who can assist, please comment and I will email you.