By a stroke of luck my
Nemaslug arrived in the post today. I ordered them online last weekend, but they are a live product so should be stored in a refrigerator and used as soon as possible. It has been raining for about a week now so the veggie garden is in perfect condition to apply the treatment. This comes in a dry powder which is diluted in water and sprinkled all over the soil. The microscopic nematode worms (all 12 million of them - all hermaphrodites) eat slugs - hooray! Mum asked me an intelligent question today, "How do they know that they are all hermaphrodites?" - hmmmm any answers please?

Another exciting trip today, down to the riding stables to load up with free manure. I have just discovered that Ikea make these strong plastic bags which are ideal for manure, and only 30p each.

I was on my feet all day today with a trip to
Kew Gardens. Lots and lots of baby ducklings and goslings everywhere!

Fantastic trees at Kew, I could just stand and stare all day.

We climbed right up into the treeline on the new exhibition - an aerial walkway right up in the trees! I bit wobbly but you can see life from a different perspective up there.

Couldn't resist sharing this photo of a beautiful male
golden pheasant. I also can't resist sharing an anecdote... a few years ago a close family member was walking with the then Archbishop of York in the grounds of his official residence. She was unaware that he kept pheasants in the grounds, so she was a little puzzled when he asked her, "Would you like to see my magnificent golden cock?"