It has been a long, hard old Winter and finally I can see light at the end of the gardening tunnel.

Here is a tiny little courgette
'Soleil' just visible on the plant.

These heritage climbing beans
'Mrs Fortunes' are looking splendidly healthy in a big pot on the patio.

In the greenhouse, one of my surviving tomato plants
'Sungold' has started to set fruit. Any day now they will be turning yellow.

And these broad beans
'Aquadulce Claudia' just came out of nowhere! One minute I was admiring the flowers on top, then yesterday I realised these little beans were hiding at the base of the plant.

And what better taste of Summer can there be than fresh raspberries. These are only weeks away now.

These gooseberries are doing well, but sadly you can see the leaves have been eaten off by the dreaded gooseberry sawfly. I will have to be vigilant and try to get rid of them before I lose the whole plant this year.